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Business students

The Business Department provides opportunities for students to develop career awareness by exploring business pathways through an experiential learning model which engages students with local professionals, business leaders and case-based methods. Students can apply for admission into one of two specialized programs, the Lasallian Scholars Institute and Envision, which connect students to career pathways in technology, engineering, healthcare and global business. Students complete challenges and projects within company-sponsored seminars and field visits including those with Fortune 500 companies. Elective business courses provide students not involved within the before-mentioned programs to connect learning to career pathways and partake in similar experiential and case-based learning. 

Lasallian Scholars Institute Business Seminar 1 (ACP) (Grade 9)

This course is designed to challenge high-performing students to build career awareness in four high-growth industries: Information Technology and Information Management, Healthcare, Global Business, and Engineering.  Furthermore, students will begin to develop an awareness of the interconnectedness of these industries. Through research, project-based learning, contact with industry professionals, and off-site experiences, students will explore careers in these industries and practice skills necessary to these careers. Students will also build essential soft skills through team leadership, project management, and professional presentations.   


Prerequisite: Full-year course – 1 credit

  • Admission into Lasallian Scholars Institute


Key Skills:

  • Assess personal skills, abilities, and aptitudes as they relate to career exploration and development.
  • Utilize career resources to develop an awareness of industries and career opportunities.
  • Apply knowledge gained from experiences to develop personal goals and career plan.
  • Apply basic social communication skills in personal and professional situations.
  • Incorporate appropriate leadership and supervision techniques, customer service strategies, and personal ethics standards to communicate effectively within various industries.
  • Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication and customer/client experience.
  • Develop collaboration skills needed for effective project management and development of solutions to real-world problems with team members.
  • Develop and utilize design thinking and innovation strategies to create solutions to business-related problems.
  • Present solutions to business-related problems to industry professionals. 
  • Build the foundation of a professional network. 


Anchor Text: None

Lasallian Scholars Institute Business Seminar 2 (ACP) (Grade 10)

This course is designed to build upon the foundation of the freshman seminar and to equip students with an understanding of potential careers within the industries of Information Technology, Healthcare, Global Business, and Engineering.  Furthermore, students will develop an awareness of the interconnectedness of these industries and how their skill sets will allow them to navigate them within their future careers. Students will continue to explore the skills necessary to these industries, interact with local professionals, develop solutions to real-world challenges, and participate in off-site field visits and experiences.  Students will begin to explore collegiate options and start planning for these options. Students will improve skills connected to career and collegiate success namely collaboration, project management, and presentation.

Prerequisite: Full-year course – 1 credit

  • Admission into Lasallian Scholars Institute
  • Completion of Lasallian Scholars Institute Business Seminar I


Key Skills:

  • Develop career pathway plan based on assessment of personal skills, aptitudes, and interests.
  • Explore career opportunities and network through professional contacts, research, and field experiences.
  • Build personal management skills to function effectively and efficiently in a business environment.
  • Analyze and interpret data.
  • Understand and analyze the characteristics, motivations, and wants and needs of clients/customers with focus on roles of marketing and brand awareness. 
  • Design, develop, present, and evaluate solutions to real-world industry challenges.
  • Create personal marketing strategies and build personal brand awareness. Develop personal value proposition. 


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Lasallian Scholars Institute Business Seminar 3 (ACP) (Grade 11)

This course is designed to build upon the foundation of the freshman and sophomore seminars and extend student understanding of potential careers within the industries of Information Technology, Healthcare, Global Business, and Engineering. Students will explore these industries with greater depth and insight. Furthermore, students will begin to build awareness of careers outside these core areas. Research of industry trends and development of extended company-sponsored projects become more common. Students will continue to explore skills necessary to these industries, interact with local professionals, develop solutions to real-world challenges, and participate in off-site field visits and experiences, and engage with collegiate representatives. 


Prerequisite: Full-year course – 1 credit

  • Admission into Lasallian Scholars Institute
  • Completion of Lasallian Scholars Institute 
  • Business Seminars 1 & 2


Key Skills:

  • Analyze industry trends through research of multiple sources including journals, reports, and webinars.
  • Research and review collegiate admission process and prepare for college application. 
  • Improve upon presentation skills especially understanding of design principles and audience orientation. 
  • Learn multiple business strategies and functions of business planning including SWOT analysis.
  • Utilize project management for short and long-term assignments.
  • Design, develop, present, and evaluate solutions to real-world industry challenges.
  • Improve understanding of ideation process and role of innovation at company level. 
  • Explore career opportunities and network through professional contacts, research, and field experiences.
  • Develop interviewing skills.


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Lasallian Scholars Institute Business Seminar 4 (ACP) (Grade 12)

This course is designed to build upon the foundation of the freshman, sophomore, and junior seminars and extend student understanding of potential careers within the industries of Information Technology, Healthcare, Global Business, and Engineering and those outside these core areas. Students will build their collegiate application while developing the annual Learn to Lead Conference for the students of La Salle High School. Students will continue to explore skills necessary to multiple industries, interact with local professionals, develop solutions to real-world challenges, participate in off-site field visits and experiences, engage with collegiate representatives, and research industry trends. Additionally, students explore the role of entrepreneurship within economies and delve into regional economics as it relates to growing and sustaining the talent and revenue streams within a city. 


Prerequisite: Full-year course   1 credit

  • Admission into Lasallian Scholars Institute
  • Completion of Lasallian Scholars Institute
  • Business Seminars 1, 2 & 3


Key Skills:

  • Analyze industry trends through research of multiple sources including journals, reports, and webinars.
  • Complete collegiate admission process and prepare for collegiate transition. 
  • Improve upon presentation skills especially understanding of design principles and audience orientation as it relates to conference planning and creation and entrepreneurship. 
  • Utilize project management for short and long-term assignments.
  • Expand understanding of multiple business strategies and function of business planning including ideation and competition. Improve understanding of ideation process and role of innovation at company and entrepreneur level.
  • Design, develop, present, and evaluate solutions to real-world industry challenges.
  • Explore career opportunities and network through professional contacts, research, and field experiences.
  • Practice and improve interviewing skills especially as it relates to college options.


Anchor text: None

Envision Business Seminar 1 (ACP) (Grade 9)

This course is designed to build career awareness in four high-growth industries: Information Technology and Information Management, Healthcare, Global Business, and Engineering.  Through research, project-based learning, contact with industry professionals, and off-site experiences, students will explore careers in these industries and practice skills necessary to these careers.  Students will also build essential soft skills through team leadership, project management, and professional presentations.   


Prerequisite: Admission into Envision Full-year course – 1 credit

Key Skills:

  • Assess personal skills, abilities, and aptitudes as they relate to career exploration and development.
  • Utilize career resources to develop an awareness of industries and career opportunities.
  • Apply knowledge gained from experiences to develop personal goals and a career plan.
  • Apply basic social communication skills in personal and professional situations.
  • Incorporate appropriate leadership and supervision techniques, customer service strategies, and personal ethics standards to communicate effectively within various industries.
  • Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication and customer/client experience.


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Envision Business Seminar 2 (ACP) (Grade 10)

This course is designed to build upon the foundation of the freshman seminar and to equip students with an understanding of potential careers within the industries of Information Technology, Healthcare, Global Business, and Engineering.  Students will continue to explore the skills necessary to these industries, interact with local professionals, develop solutions to real-world challenges, and participate in off-site field visits and experiences.  By the end of the course, students will develop their initial career pathway plan as they prepare to explore specific fields in-depth junior and senior year.


Prerequisite: Admission into Envision Full-year course – 1 credit

Completion of Envision Business Seminar I


Key Skills:

  • Develop a career pathway plan based on assessment of personal skills, aptitudes, and interests.
  • Explore career opportunities and network through professional contacts, research, and field experiences.
  • Build personal management skills to function effectively and efficiently in a business environment.
  • Analyze and interpret data.
  • Understand and analyze the characteristics, motivations, and wants and needs of clients/customers.
  • Design, develop, present, and evaluate solutions to real-world industry challenges.


Anchor Text: None

Business Leadership And Sports Marketing/ Management (ACP) (Grades 11 & 12)

This first semester of this course will explore leadership traits and skills, and their application through project management.  We will examine career opportunities and networking through professional contacts, research, and field experiences.  Students will learn how to engage in best business practices on a personal and professional level.  During the 2nd semester, we will explore leadership, marketing plans, current trends, sponsorships, event fundraising, public relations, sales, and promotions using the marketing mix applied to the sports industry.


Key Skills: 


  • Improve presentation skills, especially public speaking. 
  • Utilize project management for short and long-term assignments.
  • Design, develop, present, and evaluate solutions to real-world business challenges.
    • Learn multiple business strategies and functions of business planning.
  • Develop ‘soft skills’ such as self awareness, time management, and networking.
  • Develop interviewing skills.
  • Planning, organizing, directing, controlling, budgeting, leading, and evaluating within the context of an organization or department whose primary product or service is related to sports or physical activity.


Prerequisite: None 2 semester courses – 1 credit


Anchor Texts: 

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

Entrepreneurship (ACP) (Grades 11 & 12)

Entrepreneurship will expose students to the exciting world of business, entrepreneurship, money, and what it takes to start a business. Students will learn about project management, business leadership, sales, finance, economics, and soft skills.  Students will participate in off-site field visits to Cincinnati companies, be exposed to guest speakers, work on projects, present sales pitches, examine podcasts.


Prerequisite: None 2 semester courses – 1 credit


Key Skills: 


  • Improve presentation skills, especially public speaking. 
  • Assess personal skills, abilities, and aptitudes as they relate to career exploration and development of entrepreneur skills.
  • Utilize career resources to develop an awareness of career opportunities.
  • Apply knowledge gained from experiences to develop personal goals and a career plan.
  • Apply basic social communication skills in personal and professional situations.
  • Incorporate appropriate leadership techniques to create a sales pitch similar to “Shark Tank” to a team of potential investors.

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Financial Literacy (ACP) (Grade 10)

The purpose of the semester course is to prepare students to make sound financial decisions. It seeks to develop students' skills and knowledge in money management; spending and credit; saving and investing; becoming a critical consumer; financial responsibility and decision making; and risk management and insurance.

Prerequisite: None Semester course – 0.5 credit


Key Skills: 


  • Identify the major types of credit and their characteristics 
  • Explain how a credit card works in terms of making purchases and managing payment
  • Understand the fundamentals of saving such as reasons for saving, how much to save, and strategies to enable saving
  • Understand why it is important to maintain an emergency fund
  • Explain what a checking account is used for
  • Understand what the various components of a bank statement mean to interpret where their money goes
  • Analyze the prevalence of online and mobile banking as compared to more analog banking options
  • Set up online bill paying as one-time and recurring payment
  • Explain the value of young people investing early, regularly and long term to extract maximum earnings from your investment
  • Explain how compound interest works and how to harness its power when investing 
  • Analyze the risk and rewards of different investment instruments including: stocks, bonds and mutual funds
  • Identify the different types of retirement accounts and their characteristics
  • Analyze the conditions under which it is appropriate for adults to have life, health and disability insurance
  • Describe the main types of auto insurance policies and compare state requirements.
  • Discuss the factors that impact insurance premiums and the relationship between premiums and out-of-pocket expenses
  • Choose the appropriate level of car insurance coverage
  • Explain how health insurance works and the different types

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Senior Leaders (Grade 12)

The La Salle Student Leaders will create opportunities for student leadership and involvement,

rooted in the five pillars of our Lasallian education: faith, service, community, leadership, and

scholarship. Students who apply and are selected as a Student Leader will work closely with school administration to ensure that every young man at La Salle High School has an engaging and meaningful high school experience.


Prerequisite: Full-year course – 1 credit

  • Open to Seniors to complete application process 
  • Teacher Recommendation
  • Selection Committee


Key Skills:


  • Creating and maintaining a leadership structure for students
  • Identifying students willing to be student leaders, regardless of grade or academic level, who set strong examples for all young men of La Salle, both inside and outside of the school building
  • Distributing information on service opportunities, school events and other community needs to the entire student body
  • Maintaining the rich culture and history of La Salle, while bringing creativity and innovation to the student experience
  • Creating a system for student ideas, concerns and opinions to be heard and acted upon by school administration

La Salle Internship I, II, III & IV (Grades 11 & 12)

Students will have the opportunity to explore career pathways to improve their college and future career success by participating in an internship.  Internships give our students a competitive edge when applying for college admissions, college internships, and full-time employment. This course will be a pass/fail course and students will receive a half credit for a semester long internship and a full credit for a year long internship.


Students are required to go through an application & interview process.


Prerequisite: semester course

  • Open to Junior and Seniors  to complete application process 
  • Counselor recommendation required
  • Successful completion of process as outlined by the Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education
LSI students
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