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Join us for Open House on November 7 from 5:00 - 8:00 pm!


Student-run clubs


Every La Salle High School student is encouraged to participate in as many co-curricular activities as his schedule will allow. This includes being involved in other organizations and causes outside of the La Salle community.

Students are encouraged to be active participants in groups relevant to their interests to foster personal development. With so many choices, everyone has a place to belong and make the most of his individual gifts and talents.

Some organizations also have academic classes associated with the activity including band, Vocal Ensemble and yearbook. If you are interested in these activities, please see the course offerings in Naviance and discuss the opportunities with your counselor when selecting the course during registration.

Students stand in line at tables
The fall club fair gives students the opportunity to learn about each club and what they do.

Current clubs at La Salle

Big Brothers

Campus Ministry - Campus Ministry offers multiple opportunities for students to get involved at La Salle and in the community. Seniors are eligible to volunteer in leadership positions for Kairos, Sophomore Retreat and Freshman Day of Renewal. Please see your Senior Called To Serve information on how to apply.

Cards Club

Chess Club 


Drama - learn more here.

Dungeons and Dragons Club

GoDoGood - Regularly scheduled Christian Service opportunities through GODOGOOD are available for students after school.

INTERalliance of Greater Cincinnati

Intramural Basketball Association (IBA)

Key Club - Key Club is an international, student-led organization providing its members with opportunities to perform service, build character, practice inclusiveness and develop leadership. A major goal of Key Club is to develop competent, capable, caring individuals through the vehicle of service to a community. There are Key Club-sponsored service opportunities for which members can earn white or red service hours and which also count for their required service hours for graduation. One of the important characteristics of Key Club is that its membership is not exclusive; membership is open to every freshman - senior student who has a desire and commitment to serve. Our international motto of “Caring – A Way of Life” is directly aligned with La Salle’s mission of being “Called to Serve.”

LSYIT- Leadership Youth Immersion Trips

Maker's Space

Mass Ministers - Students interested in volunteering to be servers, lectors or Eucharistic Ministers during masses should contact the Campus Ministry office.

Men's Choir - learn more here.

Mock Trial

National Honor Society - The National Honor Society is an organization whose members provide service to their school, their fellow students and the wider community. Through their involvement in various clubs, teams, other activities and through their personal behavior, NHS members are expected to provide an example of Christian character and leadership in both formal and informal ways. Each fall, an application is sent by email to all juniors ranking in the top 20% of their class and those interested in joining NHS can apply.

Applicants are evaluated on scholarship, leadership, service, character and an essay and are evaluated by a team of faculty members, based on the rubric provided by the National Honor Society. Applicants must also be in good academic and disciplinary standing in order to be accepted as a member of NHS. Members of the National Honor Society will be expected to participate in the Canned Food Drive as well as other service activities throughout the school year. For example, NHS members will be asked to help out at graduation, senior awards and declarations night, peer tutoring and other various alumni and/or school-related events. 

Rock N Roll Club

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