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8th graders- register for the HSPT today!


Junior Retreat 


Inward Reflection - God's Time (Kairos)

Kairos is a religious retreat program grounded in Christian incarnational theology, our Christian belief that God is very much part of our real world, especially through the continuing presence of Jesus Christ. It is an experience of Christian community, with a series of talks given both by peers and by adults. Prayer and the sacraments are an essential part of the program as well as the participant's involvement in discussions and other exercises.

The program lasts for two and one-half days, with the challenge to continue it for as long as one possibly can. To this end, Fourth Day meetings are essential. These regular meetings continue to challenge the participants to integrate the retreat into their daily lives. The sessions also provide an ongoing community of support. The program is not a panacea. Rather it deepens one's Christian life in an atmosphere where ongoing religious education and formation are available.

2024-25 Retreat Information

Kairos retreat dates are:

February 12-14, 2025

March 12-14, 2025

April 30 - May 2, 2025

Juniors will be presented the Kairos information during Religion class in the fall. 


If you'd like to support a student attending Kairos, please contact the Campus Ministry Office at [email protected].

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