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Christian Service Hours

"Called to Serve Christ by Serving Others"


As a Catholic Christian School founded within the Lasallian tradition we are called to help the poor and unfortunate, and for that matter, to help anyone in need. The goal of the Christian service program is to instill in students the senses of Christian and civic responsibility that manifest as acts of community or charitable service. This is one of the foundational principles of the schools founded or inspired by St. John Baptist de La Salle. While we hope that students will undertake their service work in a spirit of generosity and love, La Salle High School requires that students complete a minimum of 60 hours of Christian service.

In order to expose our student population to a wide range of service experiences, La Salle High School requires that half of the service hours be offered to the economically poor, unfortunate or disadvantaged, the infirm or elderly. These hours are commonly known as red service hours. The other half of service hours, or white service hours, may involve service at a parish church, school or civic need. Throughout the school year, opportunities are offered for students that fulfill or help fulfill the service requirement for each type of service work. While all students must meet the minimum of 60 total hours of Christian service to graduate, many students complete many more hours of service to a multitude of social service agencies.

In addition to a service requirement, La Salle High School also adopts certain outreach projects and causes. Every week a charitable "mission collection" is held with the proceeds of these collections supporting various social service agencies in our city, nation and beyond.

La Salle High School also holds an annual "Truck Full of Love" canned food drive to benefit the tremendous efforts of the Little Sisters of the Poor and other local social service agencies. Furthermore, in recent years La Salle High School has raised thousands of dollars to benefit such agencies as St. Francis Seraph Soup Kitchen, Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, The Nativity School located in Shinara Village, Eritrea and many more.

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